Author: Morgan Mellick
1. COMMUNICATE WITH YOUR ANIMAL DAILY, preferably looking at them in the eyes and at their physical level, think intimately. Assure them that you love them and will be coming back home to them after work, a trip, etc. Let them know if you are taking them to the vet, or wherever you are taking them. Also important, listen to what they are telling or showing you that they want or need. *Look at my past posts and videos as to how to communicate with an animal so that they register it.
2. PROVIDE THEIR DAILY ESSENTIALS. This one is obvious right? Remember that your animal needs fresh and adequate water daily, that means refilling it daily. Your animal is best served with holistic and wholesome food, preferably with hydration, especially for cats. Cats are prone to kidney disease as they age, hydration is key. Food brands I like are: Weruva and Rawz. There are some other great ones too. The key is to find a food that has the ingredients that if your animal was out in the wild, they would be eating. Limited and quality ingredients are best. Make sure your cat is happy with their litter and the location of their litter box. Make sure your animal has adequate shelter that is temperature controlled.
3. ANIMALS DESIRE TIME OUTSIDE DAILY. Sun and the earth are good for the souls of humans and animals alike. Take your dog for a walk, hike or a run outside. Take your cat outside safely, on a leash if you prefer, or provide a catio so they can get time outside. You can use this time for play, which is an essential necessity for all animals to partake in regularly.
4. REGULARLY TAKE YOUR ANIMALS TO THE VET, especially if they have physical issues going on. If you have an elderly or terminal animal, you will be going more. Let them know this is happening beforehand.
5. GIVE THEM ALL THE LOVE DAILY. This means, yes, petting and kissing. But, it also means spending daily, uninterrupted, phones off, quality one on one time with your animal daily. The key is to be fully present. Give and receive love. Try it for 20 minutes or more daily.
6. ANIMALS DESIRE A SOUL PURPOSE, JUST LIKE WE DO. It is time to help them live this out. Think about what your animal likes to do, and what your animal likes to do with you that just comes out of them naturally and they keep gravitating towards it. If you would like to discover what your animal’s soul purpose is, I provide soul purpose consultations for you and your animal.
7. ANIMALS NEED PREPARATION IN ADVANCE FOR THEIR END OF LIFE. Through Animal Communication, I provide my signature End Of Life Care Plan for animals. Together, we create a plan for optimum wellness that ensures your animal will have quality of life at this delicate time. This plan is to be put in place before your beloved animal passes away with the goal to honor your animal’s wishes and simply, leave no questions left unanswered. We find out exactly and in great detail what an animal wants and needs before they pass on and we implement this together.